Friday, March 25, 2011

Best Practice: Interview Prospects vs Making Sales Calls

Are you paying attention to what percentage of the time that you are talking during a call to a prospect vs the time that they are talking?
Why not interview your prospects by asking information provoking questions rather than making just another sales call?
Isn't the point of consultative selling to find out what your clients needs are rather than to "data dump" and "pre-mature present" how great you, your product, and company are?
An easy way to measure this would be to contain your "interviews" with prospects to about 30 percent or less of you talking and 70% or more of the prospect talking.  Be creative and pepper them with questions, third party stories, and inquiries that get them to open up.  If you can accomplish this, you have likely earned more of their trust and you will discover what it takes to earn the business.

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