Monday, May 9, 2011

Best Practice: Last Look

First of all, the ideal prospect would be considering you, and only you, to do business with right?  Unfortunately this isn't always the case and many times you are unable to avoid a bidding situation pitting you against your competitors!
What can you do?
Why not insure that you get the "LAST LOOK"?
How do you do that?
By achieving excellence in the basics: building powerful, positive business relationships with those key contacts, by understanding their needs in deeper and more detailed ways than any of your competitors, by doing everything you can to assure that your company is highly respected by the customer, and finally, by asking for the opportunity.
What you are really asking for is the preference of the customer. You are assuming that there is no difference between you and your competitor, and there is no reason for the customer to pay a little more to do business with you. Your only hope is that the customer will prefer to do business with you, providing you are the lowest price.
You want the customer to prefer to do business with you, so that they call you for a last look and potential revision of your proposal.
Ask yourself why the customer would prefer you. Then set about becoming the supplier that your customer would want to do business with. And, continually ask for the opportunity to have a last look.

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